Certified Onboarding Documents

Certified Onboarding Documents

Certified Documents

Certified Documents are documents that have been determined to contain the righty information. Certification of KYC documents is generally done be a trusted party. They will add their information under the signature as well. To ensure we can rely on this we are required to receive information on the certification. This is information is as follows:
  1. Name of Certifier
  2. Certifier Occupation
  3. Date of Certification
  4. Address of Certifier
  5. Firm Name/Stamp (if applicable)
  6. Telephone
  7. Fax No. and/or E-mail
When registering an entity we will require a certified copy of your Identification Document and a certified proof of address. 
Below you can see examples of the certification templates that are required.

Copy of ID

To proof your identity we will require a copy of your ID. In most cases is a passport required as the initial proof of ID, as a second proof of ID a government issued ID or drivers license can be used.
  1. Passport
  2. Drivers License (US only)
  3. National ID Card (US only)

Proof of address

  1. Utility Bill
  2. Credit Card Statement
  3. Bank Statement

Who can certify your documents

  1. a lawyer, notary public, actuary or accountant who is a member of a recognized professional body
  2. a member of the judiciary, a senior civil servant or a serving police or customs officer
  3. an officer of an embassy, consulate or high commission of the country of issue of
  4. a director, officer or authorized signatory of an entity regulated in an equivalent
You can download the templates here

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